6 tips that will help you drink more water

drink water

With these tips, drinking plenty of water will be easy!

Water is important for your health and that is why it is important that you drink plenty of fluids. But sometimes it can be hard to drink your recommended daily amount of water. With these tips, it will become a lot easier to drink plenty of water. 

Water bottle

If you have a hard time drinking water because you never feel like you can, then it could be helpful for you to carry a reusable water bottle around. That way, you always have water with you. And there are a lot of places that you can refill your bottle. It also functions as a good reminder to drink more; whenever you see the bottle, you will remember to take a little sip.


Another way to remind yourself to drink water, is by setting an actual reminder. There are special apps that help you track your water intake, but it could also help to just set an alarm. If you consume a glass of water every hour, you’ll hit the recommended daily amount in no time!

Water before your meal

If you teach yourself to drink a glass of water before every meal you eat, your water intake will increase too. If you include snacks in this too, then you will be drinking at least three to six glasses of water each day.

Replace drinks with water

If you usually drink other types of beverages, it might be helpful to replace your drinks with water. Or alternate between drinks. For every drink you have, have a glass of water with it. That way, you can enjoy your favorite beverage while also drinking plenty of water.

Flavor water

If you don’t like the taste of water, then try to make it more tasty. There are special fruit-infusers that you can use to give your drink a little flavor. Or you could use certain powder or liquid forms of flavor that can be added to your water bottle.


Another way to ‘drink’ more water is by eating foods that are high in water. Some fruits or vegetables consist of more than 90% of water. Examples are lettuce, cabbage, zucchini, celery, watermelon or cantaloupe.

With these tips, you’ll be able to up your water intake and feel more healthy because of it!

Source: Healthline | Image: Unsplash, Engin Akyurt

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