Cleaning tips for people suffering from allergies

With these cleaning tips, you won’t be bothered by allergies in and around your house

If you, or someone in your family, suffers from allergies, you’d probably try whatever it takes to reduce their suffering. Luckily, there are some cleaning tips that can help you deal with the allergens in your home that cause allergic reactions. We have listed some cleaning tips that can help you get rid of allergens and with that, allergic reactions.


The first thing to remember is that cleaning can actually make your symptoms worse. When you clean, dust particles and allergens will move around and fill the air. And that will definitely give you some sort of allergic reaction. So, make sure you clean regularly. That way, there won’t be as much dust or allergens in your home and the reaction you have to cleaning will be reduced. Or you could wear a mask while cleaning to make sure you don’t inhale any of the allergens.

Cleaning tools

It is important to pay attention to the kind of appliances and products you use to clean your home. You need appliances and products that won’t make your symptoms worse. The vacuum you use should have a filter for fine particles. If you don’t have that kind of vacuum, you should use a double bag. Microfiber cloths and disposable dust wipes attract a lot of dust and the static cling will make sure the dust stays attached to the cloth or wipe until you throw it out or wash it. If you want to use masks or gloves while cleaning, you should use washable or disposable ones. The latex varieties might cause irritation to the skin. When doing laundry, try to use detergents that don’t have dye and that aren’t scented. Because these things will definitely add to allergic reactions.

When you’re using cleaning products, you should avoid the kinds that contain a lot of chemicals. Like ammonia, formaldehyde, sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium hypochlorite. Just check the labels of your cleaning products before you use them. That way, you’ll avoid unwanted allergic reactions.

Spaces in your home

When you’re cleaning, you might be cleaning every room in your home the same way. It is easy and fast. But using the same method and products for every room of the house might actually be triggering your allergies. So, every room needs a different approach.

  • Bathroom: a big contributor to allergic reactions is mold. And the bathroom is one of the places in your home that gets moldy easily. So, make sure that you clean your bathroom thoroughly. Prevention is also important. Dry the tub or shower after using it, use an exhaust fan and make sure you dry your towels after using them.
  • Kitchen: unfortunately, mold also grows in your kitchen area. So, check your fridge regularly, clean your countertops and sink every day and clean out your cabinets every three months.
  • Bedroom: to keep your bedroom free of allergens, wash your sheets, pillowcases and blankets every week. Don’t hang them outside to dry and choose mite-proof cases for your mattress and pillows.

When you clean a room in your house, always start at the top (ceiling fans, lights, etc.) and work your way down. That way, you won’t just be moving dust around from one place to another.

With these tips, you won’t be bothered by allergies as much and your home can truly be a place of comfort and joy.

Source: The Spruce | Image: Unsplash, Diana Polekhina

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