This simple garlic trick will make your toilet spotless – and it really works

Want to disinfect your toilet without harsh detergents? Then put a clove of garlic in the toilet! Yes, you read it right. This simple trick ensures a clean and fresh toilet, with a little help from the garlic.


The toilet is probably the place in the house where most bacteria accumulate. Therefore, it is not crazy to think about remedies that disinfect! Fortunately, garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin that can do exactly this. Allicin has antimicrobial properties, meaning it is able to kill harmful microorganisms or inhibit their growth. A particularly useful ingredient to improve hygiene in your toilet!

Not that fresh

You probably already expected it: garlic in your toilet is not an effective odor freshener. Although it is known for its disinfecting properties, it also leaves a strong odor that is not exactly fresh. So if you want to quickly clean up the toilet before a visit, it’s better to omit garlic!

Here’s how to do it

You can put a crushed clove of garlic in your toilet, preferably overnight. The next morning, just flush it down the toilet. Another option is to make garlic tea: put four cloves of garlic in boiled water, let it cool for a while and then pour it into the toilet. Let it float in the water for a while and then flush for a refreshing result.

Source: Margriet | Image: Adobe Stock

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