Should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

brush teeth breakfast

We’ll tell you more!

Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast? Maybe you feel like it would be better to brush your teeth after because you don’t want to walk around with bits of breakfast stuck in your teeth. And drinking coffee with a minty taste in your mouth doesn’t really work out that well either. So, when should you actually brush your teeth?

Remove bacteria

The dentist has been telling you for years: brush your teeth twice a day; one time in the morning and one time in the evening. Did you know that it is especially important to brush your teeth in the morning? That way, you can remove the bacteria that have been building up during the night while you were sleeping. And it is always nice to start your day with fresh, minty breath. But the dentist doesn’t say anything about the exact time of day. So, when should you actually brush your teeth? Before, or after you eat your food?

Before or after?

As it turns out, it is better to brush your teeth before breakfast. Surprising, right? When you brush your teeth after you eat something, you could damage your teeth. Especially after eating something sweet or sour. When you brush right after eating something sweet or sour, you could damage your tooth enamel. And that increases your risk of getting a cavity. So, if you don’t want to brush before eating breakfast but you really want to leave the house with fresh breath, then wait thirty minutes after eating before brushing. That is much saver for your teeth! And if you’re in a rush, you can use mouth wash instead.

Source: Libelle | Image: Unsplash, Diana Polekhina

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