How to deal with sleep issues because of daylight saving time

daylight saving time

Taking supplements isn’t the best option in this case

In March, a portion of the world switched forward to daylight saving time, meaning that we lost one hour of sleep but gained an extra hour of sun in the evening. And this switch is hard on a lot of people. That is why we have some tips to deal with the lack of sleep you might experience around the start of daylight saving time.


A lot of people think that supplements will help them get over the daylight saving time-hangover. But according to experts, that might not be the right way to deal with the change. Melatonin and magnesium supplements are popular among people who need some help falling asleep after the clock jumps one hour ahead. But according to Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a board-certified sleep and internal medicine doctor and spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and Dr. Joshua Barzilai, medical director of sleep medicine at Indiana University Health, these supplements don’t help you with your disrupted sleep pattern. Dasgupta told Insider: “Taking supplements beyond the recommended daily allowance hasn’t shown to be beneficial in other ways, and I always say that, because times are tough and money is hard to come by.”

How to deal with daylight saving time

So, what could you do in order to get your sleep back on track? According to both medical professionals, you should adjust your sleep schedule ahead of time. “Everyone needs to be very careful as we go into this transition,” Dasgupta said. “I think preparation is the best thing to do when we talk about going into daylight saving.” Before the clock is set forward, you should go to bed fifteen to twenty minutes earlier. Another good way to make the transition easier, is to lower your caffeine and alcohol intake.

If you do feel like you need to take some extra supplements to deal with the transition, consult your doctor first. According to Dasgupta, it is especially important to watch your magnesium intake since taking too much of it could cause certain issues with your health. Several scientists and organizations have been trying to get rid of daylight saving time altogether. But while it is still here, it is good to know how you can deal with the change and make the transition as smooth as possible.

Source: Insider | Image: Unsplash, Sonja Langford

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