5 scalp conditions that you might be dealing with

scalp conditions

This is what might be causing that inexplicable itch on your scalp!

Do you sometimes have an itchy scalp? Do you feel bumps, scabs or sores on your head whenever you run your hands through your hair? You might be dealing with some kind of scalp condition. Find out what the five scalp conditions are that could be the cause for itches, rashes, red spots and scabs.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

According to dermatologists, this is scalp condition is a pretty common one. And everyone has probably seen it once. Because even though seborrheic dermatitis might seem like a very rare condition, in babies they call it ‘cradle cap’. But adults can get it too. And for adults, it results in itchy skin with dandruff or greasy scale. The cause? Stress or changes in the season. Luckily, there are possible treatments. If you suspect you’re dealing with seb derm, you might want to contact a dermatologist.


Even though this is a pretty rare scalp condition, everyone can get psoriasis. And that means that your itchy scalp might be caused by this condition. So, how do you know if you’re dealing with psoriasis and not just dandruff? According to dermatologists, psoriasis consists of pink scaly patches that itch, hurt and sometimes bleed.


Another common skin condition is folliculitis. This condition is caused by an inflammation of the hair follicles on your scalp. Folliculitis can be recognized by the little bumps it causes. Those little bumps are filled with pus and might be easily confused with acne.


Even though ringworm is usually only seen in children, adults sometimes get it too. And that is why it is good to know how you can identify ringworm. It is a contagious infection and it causes a rash and bald spots on the scalp. The rash usually hurts and is shaped in a circle (like a ring).

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

ACD is another rash that occurs on the scalp. This rash occurs when you come into contact with something that you’re allergic to. But it doesn’t always happen right away. That is why it is difficult to determine what the cause of your allergic reaction is. The rash can be painful and it can hurt. Severe cases sometimes get confused with infections.

If you are experiencing any symptoms, always contact a doctor or a dermatologist. That way, you can find the right kind of treatment for the scalp condition you’re dealing with.

Source: Good Housekeeping | Image: Unsplash

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